printed stamp (see TECHNIQUE)
Printed stamps are classified under TECHNIQUE main group. Please look at it here.
Find below the blog posts related to printed stamp (see TECHNIQUE):
No hi ha hagut cap resultat
Aida Nunes (3)
Amparo Escolano (2)
Antonio Mirabile (4)
architecture (6)
archives (21)
Arsenio Sánchez Hernampérez (4)
art (12)
Arxiu Comarcal del Baix Llobregat (2)
bibliopaths (7)
bookbinders (2)
books (2)
chemistry (5)
Christmas (2)
CoAC (6)
computer resorts (2)
conservation studios (9)
conservation techniques (14)
conservators (14)
contemporary (5)
courses (10)
curiosities/treasures (4)
Domènech i Montaner (1)
Emma Sánchez (2)
ethics (4)
International Institute for Conservation (IIC) (2)
IPCE (Institute for Cultural Heritage of Spain) (3)
J.J. Audubon (1)
Jerónimo Pérez (1)
Jordi Mestre (6)
Josep Cambras (2)
libraries (10)
literature (4)
Luis Crespo (2)
Municipal Museums of Sabadell (1)
museums (6)
nanotechnology (2)
old treatments (10)
oversized (6)
Polytechnical University of Valencia (2)
rare books (9)
Richard Wolbers (2)
Serra & Balet (2)
Sōkō (eastern conservation) (4)
University of Barcelona (UB) (2)